I have successfully completed a backup but am now trying to figure out the
recover portion of the AMANDA program.  Afterall, what good is a backup if
you can't recover it.  Here is my dilemna.  I have two computers on a
network.. Alpha1 and Intelraid1.  Intelraid1 is the server and Alpha1 is
the client so I'm trying to run amrecover on Alpha1 obviously.  Here is the
command I'm running followed by the output

root@alpha1 /]# amrecover -C alpha1 -s intelraid1 -t intelraid1 -d
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on intelraid1 ...
220 intelraid1 AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2001-12-03)
200 Working date set to 2001-12-03.
200 Config set to alpha1.
200 Dump host set to alpha1.xxx.xxx
Can't determine disk and mount point from $CWD
amrecover> setdisk /dev/sda3
Scanning /RAID/alpha1...
  20011121: found Amanda directory.
200 Disk set to /dev/sda3.
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator
amrecover> setdisk /dev/sda3
Scanning /RAID/alpha1...
  20011121: found Amanda directory.
200 Disk set to /dev/sda3.
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator

Ok.. here is the directory listing of /RAID/alpha1 on intelraid1:

drwx------    2 amanda   amanda       4096 Dec  3 10:58 20011121

And inside 20011121/ :
-rw-------    1 amanda   amanda   3925999616 Nov 21 11:12

obviously, I just did a dump onto the holding disk here because we have 100
GB of RAID space to utilize so a tape drive just seems pointless.  I'm
pretty sure indexing is off, I don't know how to turn it on at least.  My
indexdir in my amanda.conf file is set to /usr/local/etc/amanda/alpha1. 
Can someone just tell me either (1) how to get this to work like it should
or (2) how to use amrestore properly to get this to work?  It's not
imperative that I use this backup archive. The computer still works great
and everything.  I just need to make sure I can recover the files properly
so if I have to turn on indexing or create another dump.. it's not a
problem at all.  Thanks for any help.


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