On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 10:03:57AM -0500, Rivera, Edwin wrote:
> my aix 4.2.1 box running Amanda v2.4.2p2 is not backing up one of my
> filesystems at level 0 anymore, it did it only once (the first amdump run).
> here is the error:
> aix421.us.lhsgroup.com /home4/bscs_fam lev 0 FAILED ["data write: File too
> large"]
> here is the entry in my amanda.conf file
> chunksize 1536 mbytes
> can you suggest anything?  thanks in advance.

2GB limit on files perhaps? Not sure about AIX 4.2.1-support for files
bigger 2GB, quit AIX with version 3.2.5. Might be the

        Adrian Reyer
Adrian Reyer                             Fon:  +49 (7 11) 2 85 19 05
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