On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Jan 2002 at 1:17pm, Dan Rich wrote
> > morpheus   hde11 lev 0 FAILED [disk hde11 offline on morpheus?]
> > morpheus   hde10 lev 0 FAILED [disk hde10 offline on morpheus?]
> > .... and so on ....
> >
> > Any ideas of what I can look for?  I can't find anything in the list
> > archives or the Yahoo Amanada group that seems to help.
> What is in /tmp/amanda/sendbackup*debug and /tmp/amanda/amandad*debug on
> morpheus at the time(s) of the attempted dump(s)?

A *whole* lot of data. :)  The sendbackup log only shows my one ext2
partition.  The amandad log looks good for all the partitions.  The debug
log that worries me is the sendsize log:
        calculating for amname 'hde11', dirname '/misc/mp3'
        sendsize: getting size via dump for hde11 level 0
        sendsize: running "/sbin/dump 0Ssf 1048576 - /dev/hde11"
        running /usr/lib/amanda/killpgrp
        /dev/hde11: Bad magic number in super-block while opening filesystem
        (no size line match in above dump output)
        asking killpgrp to terminate
Shouldn't it be using xfsdump instead of dump to determine the size?

Oh, I should have mentioned, it's working fine for my non-XFS partitions.

> What distribution?

Redhat 7.0 with lots of packages replaced (mostly upgrades).  The system
is running a 2.4.9 kernel.

Dan Rich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |   http://www.employees.org/~drich/
                               |  "Step up to red alert!"  "Are you sure, sir?
                               |   It means changing the bulb in the sign..."
                               |          - Red Dwarf (BBC)

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