>No index records for disk for specified date
>> DISK hda1
>- 2002-01-22 1 daily2 16
>- 2002-01-21 1 daily1 19
>- 2002-01-20 1 daily8 8
>- 2002-01-19 1 daily7 9

The first thing that's odd about this is that there are no level 0's.
That *might* be OK, but it's strange.

>Uncompress command: /usr/bin/gzip -dc '/var/amanda/daily/index/
>20020121_1.gz' 2>/dev/null | sort > '/var/amanda/daily/index/
>f /var/amanda/daily/index/
>< 500 "/" is an invalid directory

What do you get if you do this:

  cd /var/amanda/daily/index/
  /usr/bin/gzip -dc 20020121_1.gz | sort | head

>Jeremy Wadsack

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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