A lot of my issues with the client and dump were resolved by using 
the "advfs.diff" patch located here: 

Question: Have all these patches been rolled into post-2.4.2p2 builds?

"All the sudden" amanda and vdump and everything is just working like 
a charm on OSF1 (Tru64) v5.1

Though, I am still interested in forcing the use of tar (gnutar 1.13).

Currently, I have this in my configuration however it is calling vdump:


This is after the advfs.diff patch was applied.

Question: How do I force the dump program to use gnutar?

Oh... and the no-record option does perform the backup however with 
this dumptype specified the "backup command" (e.g. dump, vdump, etc) 
will not update its state file (e.g. /etc/dumpdates)

>Using AMANDA version 2.4.2p2 on OSF/Tru64 v5.1
>On the client side, amanda is sending an inappropriate parameter to 
>the /sbin/dump
>sendsize: running "/sbin/dump 0Esf 1048576 - /net/home1"
>running /usr/local/amanda-2.4.2p2/libexec/killpgrp
>dump: Cannot open file-system file home1_dmn#home1_fs
>dump: Bad file system specification or bad file system.  The raw device must
>dump: be entered when the file system's pathname has not been entered in the
>dump: fstab file.  A bad file system is reported when the the magic number
>dump: is not found in the super block.
>I think i should be using gnutar... As this would likely work-around 
>this issue...
>At configure time, I have specified:
>       --with-gnutar=/usr/local/gnu/bin/tar
>Only problem, I have not figured out how to force "the use" of 
>gnutar instead of the distribution's dump program. The client in 
>this case is still calling dump? And, btw, would this be the same 
>way I get amanda to use the "vdump" program? vdump was found at 
>Though, when I get the configuration to work, will I again encounter 
>amanda passing a bogus string which is likely obtained from the 
>/etc/fstab file? I am specifying a file system location in the 
>       host     /path-to/home1      no-record
>I believe it is OK to use no-record for testing right?
>I read about this somewhere... I think...
>Would it be weird to run the no-record config and see a
>file system get dumped to the holding disk and then written to tape?
>On another client -- which is working somewhat -- I saw this behavior...
>What does no-record mean exactly?

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