Using AMANDA version 2.4.2p2 on OSF/Tru64 v5.1

On the client side, amanda is sending an inappropriate parameter to 
the /sbin/dump

sendsize: running "/sbin/dump 0Esf 1048576 - /net/home1"
running /usr/local/amanda-2.4.2p2/libexec/killpgrp
dump: Cannot open file-system file home1_dmn#home1_fs
dump: Bad file system specification or bad file system.  The raw device must
dump: be entered when the file system's pathname has not been entered in the
dump: fstab file.  A bad file system is reported when the the magic number
dump: is not found in the super block.

I think i should be using gnutar... As this would likely work-around 
this issue...

At configure time, I have specified:


Only problem, I have not figured out how to force "the use" of gnutar 
instead of the distribution's dump program. The client in this case 
is still calling dump? And, btw, would this be the same way I get 
amanda to use the "vdump" program? vdump was found at compile-time.

Though, when I get the configuration to work, will I again encounter 
amanda passing a bogus string which is likely obtained from the 
/etc/fstab file? I am specifying a file system location in the 

        host     /path-to/home1      no-record


I believe it is OK to use no-record for testing right?
I read about this somewhere... I think...

Would it be weird to run the no-record config and see a
file system get dumped to the holding disk and then written to tape?
On another client -- which is working somewhat -- I saw this behavior...
What does no-record mean exactly?


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