>This worked fine but we wanted to upgrade to version 2.4.1p2 ...

Do you mean 2.4.2p2?  That's the latest stable release.

>All seemed to to go well(and everything up until now has just been
>background info) as the report produced by amanda at the end of dumps
>did not produce errors. The trouble started when we needed to do a
>restore ...

Isn't that just always the case :-) :-).

>... we found that the tape had the directory structure i.e it had
>/export/home/staff/hr/bob but it did not have any of bob's files.

Do you mean you got back (multiple) subdirectories underneath
/export/home/staff/hr/bob, but just no files in those directories?  Or do
you mean you had the top level .../bob but nothing at all under that?

When you say "the tape had ...", do you mean you were using amrecover
or that you actually did a restore from the tape?

>After checking the end of dump reports again the size of
>/export/home/staff was very small ...

Looking at your disklist, find the client backing up /export/home/staff.
Going to that client, do a df of /export/home/staff.  Is
/export/home/staff a real disk on that client, or is it NFS mounted
onto it?

What are you using to back up /export/home/staff, dump or GNU tar?
What kind of OS is running on the client?  What version of dump or GNU
tar are you using?

Look at one of the /tmp/amanda/sendbackup*debug files for the backup
of this file system and see which command (and args) were used and
whether it reported any problems.

>(/export/home is all stored on one disk) ...

So /export/home/staff is just a subdirectory of /export/home?  It's
not a mount point for some other disk?

What's in the disklist, /export/home or /export/home/staff?

Where I'm headed with much of this is that backup programs (the way
Amanda runs them) do *not* cross mount points.  Also, dump will not back
up NFS areas at all, and GNU tar may have trouble with NFS because it
runs as root.

>why is amanda only backing up the directory structure and not the files ...

Keep in mind it's not Amanda doing the backup.  Amanda is running some
other program that's doing the backups.

>David Flood

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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