Title: RE: I can not do backup big size directory

|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Hikawa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|  Sent: 22 February 2002 7:39
|  Subject: I can not do backup big size directory

|  Hi,

|  I could not do backup big size directory.

|  The directory size is 1.9GB.
|  I use 4GB DDS2 tape.
|  I want to do backup 1.9GB directory into 4GB DDS2 tape.

|  My dumptype is root-tar in amanda.conf file.
|  It is the following.
|  ---------------------------------------
|  holdingdisk hd1 {
|      comment "main holding disk"
|      directory "/dumps/amanda"   # where the holding disk is
|      use 20 Gb           # how much space can we use on it
|                          # a non-positive value means:
|                          #        use all space but that value
|      chunksize 5Gb       # size of chunk if you want big dump to be
|                          # dumped on multiple files on holding disks
|                          #  N Kb/Mb/Gb split images in chunks
|  of size N
|                          #             The maximum value should be
|                          #             (MAX_FILE_SIZE - 1Mb)
|                          #  0          same as INT_MAX bytes
|      }

|  define dumptype root-tar {
|      global
|      program "GNUTAR"
|      comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
|      compress client best
|      index yes
|      exclude list "/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar"
|      priority high
|  }
|  ----------------------------------------

|  I define backup directory in disklist file.
|  It is the follwing.
|  ----------------------------------
|  aspone  /contents       root-tar
|  ----------------------------------

|  /contents has 1.9GB size.

|  logfile is the following.

|  START planner date 20020222
|  INFO planner Adding new disk aspone:/contents.
|  START driver date 20020222
|  START taper datestamp 20020222 label DailySet10 tape 0
|  FAIL planner aspone /contents 0 [dump larger than tape, but cannot
|  incremental d
|  ump new disk]
|  FATAL planner cannot fit anything on tape, bailing out
|  WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
|  STATS driver startup time 2919.584
|  INFO taper tape DailySet10 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
|  FINISH driver date 20020222 time 2938.374

|  I am getting "FAIL planner aspone /contents 0 [dump larger
|  than tape, but
|  cannot incremental d
|  ump new disk]".

|  Please tell me how to do backup big size directory(1.9GB)
|  with using amanda.
|  Please give any idea.

|  Best regards,
|  Masafumi Hikawa

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