>...  I have another DLT7000 tape drive
>that I can pull into the config but I'm not sure how amanda can handle this.
>Reading through the docs it seems you can use libraries but not really
>multiple standalone units.  ...

The chg-multi script will do this.  It simulates a changer by moving
between multiple drives.

>If that fails is it possible to still use ufsdump on the Solaris 8 client
>but split the partition by backing up parts instead of the full disk?

You can do this but amrecover has some trouble with it.  If /xxx is your
big file system and you back up subdirectory /xxx/yyy the index file
generated still refers to xxx, which confuses amrecover.  I haven't had
time to think about this more to see if can be dealt with.

>Either way the partitions will only grow further so I'm very open to any

Use smaller partitions.  The folks here used to grow home directory file
systems like crazy until they had to start doing the backups themselves
instead of letting me pick up the pieces every day.  Then there was
this mad scramble to get them all down below about 37 GBytes (DLT7000).
It was mildly amusing to watch :-).


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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