I was trying to restore a backup without the Amanda, here's what I

# mt rewind
# mt fsf 1
# dd if=/dev/rmt/0mn bs=32k skip=1 | tar xvf -
(it's backed up by gtar)

It seems like I got all the saved files/directories, which were being
extracted.. but they were organized differently. The diretories it
created looked like:

'7550524305 7450414032', and tons of them. It's hard, if not
impossible to access these directories to retrieve the files that I

Here is a little background information:
-Backup Server, Solaris 8, Amanda 2.4.2-p2
-Client, FreeBSD 4.5, Amanda 2.4.2-p2
-Tape, DLT IV

Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks.


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