On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 at 7:20pm, Andy Zhang wrote

> So, basically, a file looked like '74550524305 7550414032 /./scripts/driver'
> Each file has this preceeding directory. It's hard, if not impossible to 
> access these directories to retrieve the files that I
> wanted. I tried not to '| tar xvf -', instead '> tarfile', and it still 
> showed the same results by viewing the tarfile through 'tar -tvf'.

> - both are using Gnu-tar, downloaded the source, and compiled on the 
> server/client.

Sounds like a bad version of tar -- 1.13.  You need to get at least 
1.13.19 or 1.13.25 from alpha.gnu.org and use one of those.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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