On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Doug Silver wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I've got a server farm of about 30 machines, most on various RedHat
> > distributions, a few AIX.
> > I have 3 tape drives, an 8, a 24 and a 40Gig, all HP DAT tapes.
> > I have 10 physical backup tapes available for each drive.
> > The tape drives are attached to 3 linux computers, Columbia, Frith & Coffee,
> > respectively, which have Amanda 2.4.1p1 servers.  All the clients are
> > running either 2.4.1p1 or 2.4.2p2 .
> > Questions:
> >  - is this a sane configuration?
> >  - is this a better configuration than throwing 3 tape drives on 1 amanda server?
> >  - is this a better configuration than just using 1 tape drive on  1 amanda server 
>(the 40, obviously) and using more tapes?
> >  - what would you recommend for the way to ease into backing up this lot?
> >    i.e. uncomment 1/2 of the disklist descriptions the first night, 1/2 the
> >    second, or 1/4 the first, for 4 days... or ???
> > 
> > 
> You didn't specify why you might want to be using the 2 smaller tape
> drives -- other than the drives are there and feel guilty about them
> gathering dust ;)  

Ah, guilt has something to do with it, but another factor is bandwidth
and spreading out the load...  And I was thinking, "Let's put all the
technical configuration data like /etc, /boot, and so on to be backed up
by one server, and the mail to another, and users' files to a third..."
so it wouldn't be difficult to figure out which server to go to for a
restore.  Plus, we already have the tapes for the other drives... vs.
buying new tapes for the 40Gb at $20 a pop.  We have been having problems
because the users' files and the mail files exceed the capacity of a 
single 40 Gig tape, so we can't seem to get it to do an initial backup of 
those filesystems to complete.  One or the other, but not both.

> However, if you can get more 40Gb tapes, using a single
> drive would probably be the easiest route for you to go.  As for the
> distlist, you can do that or just let a few fail for the first few days
> while Amanda adjusts to it's schedule.
> Sane?  I wouldn't make a judgement on what is and isn't sane.  You might
> as well ask about vi vs emacs, bash vs tcsh ....

Right...  maybe I should have said "Do you think this is a workable idea?"
and then, "How do you rate it compared to a single host backup?"
My sanity is often called into question...


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Doug Silver
> Network Manager
> Urchin Corporation    http://www.urchin.com
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        John Rodkey, Information Technology, Westmont College
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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