In addition to the comments Doug made, I just want to remind you that
a given Amanda client can only be in one configuration at a time.  For
instance, you will not be able to put clientA:/etc in the configuration
run by the small tape drive machine and clientA:/home in the large
tape drive machine.  At some point both will try to contact the client,
one will win and the other will not be happy.

There is a way around this (alternate Amanda port numbers).  If you really
need to do it this way, let me know and I'll make the patch available.

> - is this a sane configuration?

Other than the above, and given your comments about spreading the load,
I don't see anything wrong with it.

> - what would you recommend for the way to ease into backing up this lot?

You could either comment out some of the entries, as you said, and add
them in a few at a time.  Or you could just turn it all loose and let
Amanda sort it all out, which will take a few runs, but it's going to
take a few runs anyway.

>        John Rodkey

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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