I am having some problems with GNU tar and amanda.  I am running amanda 2.4.2p2
with gnutar 1.13.19 (I have also tried 1.13.25) on Solaris 8 (sparc).
The command line that I am running is:

/usr/local/bin/tar --create --file /tmp/conf.tar --directory /export/raid/conf 
--one-file-system --sparse --listed-incremental 
/private/amanda/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/nfs-1c-bvtn_export_raid_conf_5.new --totals .

Replace /tmp/conf.tar for - when it is run by amanda.

When I run this is produces a tar file that is about 5 megs in size and contains 2556 
If I run the same command line but without the --sparse I get a tar file that is about 
23 megs
and has 9535 enties.

So, what is the --sparse doing here that is causing it not to backup all the files?
What is the best way around this?  I would hack the code to remove --sparse but I want 
to have an understanding of what it is doing first.



* Luke Miller             Unix System Administrator *
* Integra Telecom                      503-748-4549 *

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