On Fri, 17 May 2002, Brook Hurd wrote:

>I am about to use the following tape type:
>HP  C5708A DDS-3 Data Cartridge, 24GB
>Unfortunatly, I don't see it listed online.  Anybody use this type
>before, and if so, what are the correct settings?

This is a 12GB native capacity DDS3 cartridge.  Are these new tapes or
have they been used before?  You will have to decide whether you want to
use hardware or software compression.  With software compression you
tell amanda the exact native capacity of the tape.  If you use hardware
compression you will have to guess about how well your data compresses
and lie to amanda about your tape capacity.  I prefer to use software
compression and I would recommend that unless you're an amanda expert
you stick with software compression if you can.  If these tapes have
ever been used before in a DAT drive with compression enabled you may
have trouble getting them to work with hardware compression disabled.
There was a thread here recently about degaussing DAT tapes to erase the
compression bit.  You might look for it in the archives.  If you don't
use hardware compression there are a number of DDS-3 tapetypes in the
FAQ-O-Matic which will work, depending on what model of DDS drive you
are using.  Here's one for a Seagate drive for example:

define tapetype SEAGATE-DDS3 {
    comment "Seagate STD224000N-SB Internal DDS-3 Drive"
    length 11550 mbytes
    filemark 0 kbytes
    speed 1075 kps

Good luck.

Brandon D. Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Geek, Center for Structural Biology

"This isn't rocket science -- but it _is_ computer science."
        - Terry Lambert on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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