On 17 May 2002, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:

> >>>>> "BH" == Brook Hurd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> BH> I am about to use the following tape type: HP C5708A DDS-3 Data
> BH> Cartridge, 24GB
> I've used:
> define tapetype DDS-3 {
>     comment "DDS-3 DAT drive"
>     length 12288 mbytes # 12 GB
>>>>>>>     filemark 0 kbytes
>     speed 850 kbytes
> }

"filemark 0 kbytes" What is this?

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    ICQ: 41776461
 2:465/207@Fidonet                                  Alexander Belik
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