
I know this problem is described in FAQ-O-MATIC
section , but it didn't help. I also searched google couple
of days, still haven't found an answer.

My configuration is called test. In amanda.conf I have 
these entries:

infofile "/usr/local/etc/amanda/test/curinfo"        # database DIRECTORY
logdir   "/usr/local/etc/amanda/test/log"               # log directory
indexdir "/usr/local/etc/amanda/test/index"         # index directory

In dumptype there is entry "index yes", and when 
doing backup I get zipped index file in directory 
$indexdir/host/_mountpoint/ . For example, 20020527_0.gz
Everything seems ok, but when runing amrecover I get

200 Working date set to 2002-05-27.
200 Config set to test.
200 Dump host set to sunny.5ci.lt.
Trying disk /usr ...
$CWD '/usr/home/simas' is on disk '/usr' mounted at '/usr'.
Scanning /usr/amanda...
200 Disk set to /usr.
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator

Runing history on amrecover prompt gives empty 
list for disk... Also I tried compiling amanda without 
gnutar support, but it didn't help either. Amanda is 
runing on FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE-p4, amanda's
version - 2.4.3b2. Any ideas?

Simas Cepaitis

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