
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon LaBadie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 8:35 PM
> To: Simas Cepaitis
> Subject: Re: amrecover: No index records for disk for specified date
> Any chance your disklist uses localhost rather than a hostname?

No, I use full hostname. For example, 

sunny.5ci.lt /usr {
   exclude list "/usr/local/etc/amanda/test/.exclude"
   compress server fast
} -1 local

> If using tar, maybe a bad release of tar.  gunzip one of the
> indexs.  See if each line begins with a long number.  That is
> one sign of a bad tar.

  I tried using both gnutar (version 1.13.25) and native FreeBSD tar.
 # pwd
 #zmore 20020527_0.gz

 I don't think that is a tar problem. Somehow I believe that rather 
directory with indexes is not found. Is there any option to enable 
debug mode or something to see more in logs? Because now 
they aren't providing much use (amrecover for example)... :(

Simas Cepaitis

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