that's an interesting idea.. maybe it would be better to make it part of
the planner..

planner sees dumps in the holding disk, adds that count to the plan for
the current day, and will flush it along with the current disks.

this would save a lot of time for me as well.

just add to amanda.conf:

autoflush true


On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Colin Henein wrote:

> Greetings Amanda types.
> I've been using amanda for a few years now, so I'm pretty sure this can't be
> done. I thought I'd ask anyway, perhaps it will stimulate discussion of this
> as a potential new feature.
> I'm interested in having amanda flush any backups that are in the holding
> area as a part of the nightly amdump run.
> Our server is co-located with our ISP. While they are pretty good at
> changing our tapes, they do occasionally mess up, and we often don't catch
> them before the backup runs. What happens is that our backups wind up in the
> holding area, as you'd expect. The problem is that it's a multi-step
> headache to call the ISP, explain the problem, get the correct tape loaded,
> hang up; an amflush is then performed; then we have to call the ISP again,
> and get them to put the next night's tape in.
> Now, when you run amflush at the command line, it offers to put all the held
> backups onto one tape for you. What would really make life easier for us is
> if amdump essentially could be instructed to do the same thing... Take all
> the backups from the holding area, and put them on the tape with the results
> of the current amdump run.
> Can anyone think of a way to do this with the current Amanda? Would this be
> a popular addition if it appeared in a new version? Could this be put on a
> feature-request list?
> Colin

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