Wow, you and I are at almost the exact same place with the same problem.
I too am getting errors about port numbers that I didn't set up in the
configuration, when I compiled amanda.

I've been assuming that my firewall was translating port addresses in
addition to IP addresses, but this doesn't seem possible or workable.

For what it's worth, I compiled both the tapeserver and client copies
of amanda with:
./configure --with-tcpportrange=10084,10100 --with-udpportrange=932,948
--with-user=amanda --with-group=disk --with-portrange=10084,10100

For the tapeserver. I left out the "--without-server".

The errors I was getting referred to the 40000 range (Sorry, don't have
an exact copy. Will try to generate one tomorrow.).

We use an Elron firewall here.

Odd that we're both JHU, too.

-Kevin Zembower

>>> Nevin Kapur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/15/02 04:15PM >>>
I'm having some trouble setting up an Amanda client sitting in a DMZ
of a firewall to talk to an Amanda server sittin inside a firewall. 
I've tried to follow the answer in the FAQ and also read the various
posts on amanda-users.  However, I can't get it to work and some
questions till linger:

1.  When the docs say pass --with-(udp)portrange=xxx,yyy to configure,
which configure are they talking about?  The client or the server?

2.  In John R. Jackon's post "Use of UDP/TCP ports in Amanda...",  in
the secition titles "Firewalls and NAT", it says "Just pick user UDP
and TCP port ranges and build Amanda with them..." Again, is this on
the client side or the server side? Or both?

3.  I've compiled Amanda with --with-portrange=4711,4715
--with-udpportrange=850,854 on both client and server side, but when I
run amcheck, I get errors like:

ERROR: xxx: [host yyyy: port 7062 not secure]

where xxx is the name of the machine in the DMZ that I'm trying to
back up and yyyy is the name of our firewall/router, not the server
that sits inside it.

I hope I am being clear.  TIA


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