Hi Doug!

On  1 Apr 02 at 17:46 you wrote:

> So for the non-rewinding tape device I put in /dev/nsa0, which seems to
> make sense after reading the mt and sa man pages (I know, I shouldn't be
> RTFM'ing before hand, but oh well ;).  I've tried both /dev/nsa0 and
> /dev/nrsa0 -- both failed!

/dev/nsa0 works fine here with FreeBSD and SCSI DDS-3 drive.

> So, when I try to access the drive by running amflush I get this kernel
> message:
> (sa0:ahc0:0:6:0): tape is now frozen- use an OFFLINE, REWIND or MTEOM
> command to clear this state.

When I get this message it's always one of two things:
- tape is bad and needs to be thrown away
- tape drive needs cleaning

>   DUMP: Dumping /etc to /dev/nsa0
>   DUMP: bad sblock magic number
>   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.

Bad sblock magic number? Are you sure that /etc is a separate UFS 
partition? If it's just a subdirectory on / partition, it cannot be 

Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
* Dyslexics of the world, untie!

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