On Fri 06 Sep 02 16:59, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> level 0 and degraded mode?  Aren't these non-sequitors?  I thought degraded
> mode meant falling back to incrementals because there was no place to put
> the level 0's.  I.e. the tape was not working and the holding disk did not
> have enough unreserved space to hold the level 0's.  So where would you
> like amanda to put your huge level 0's if it can't put it to tape or to
> disk?

Sorry, I think what I should be doing is splitting the amdump and amflush. In 
other words, all dumps go to disk, and then I can manually flush ('cause I'm 
having this intermittence).

But the report does say
  driver: going into degraded mode because of tape error.

Even though I do have plenty holding disk (Remember -- 4GB tapes):
   Holding disk /export/backupstore: 26773908 KB disk space available, that's 

Although before I complain about _this_ problem, I should probably upgrade. 
Like I mentioned to someone else -- I'm being a distro weenie. I _like_ 
everything Debianized -- will see if the debian package scripts drop in over 
the new version.

By the way, the latest beta is considered stable?

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