On Sun 08 Sep 02 15:34, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Then, if you are sure the kernels ide-scsi support is working, I'm
> of the opinion that this drive should be taken to a winderz box,
> and the software on the cd that came with it be used to verify that
> it is indeed working.  I've had quite a bit of trouble with a

Will do that. 

> Things like where does it keep its configs, what are its owner:group
> settings, and anything else that I set in a script I use to do the
> configuration:

Yeah got all that. Almost there. Just gotta add a few patches (Debian stores 
dumpdates in /var/lib and amandates in /var/lib/amanda). The configure 
scripts were screwing me around; autoconf was getting re-called (because a 
Makefile.am file had been patched), and it was dumping bogus Makefiles in the 
source tree. Got around that by making sure the date of Makefile.am didn't 
get changed....

> Remember, amanda is configured and built as the user amanda, but
> must be installed by root.

This is where debian is a little different. Build it as whoever. Package it 
with "fakeroot", install it as root.

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