On Wednesday 11 September 2002 06:09, Mozzi wrote:
>Hi all
>When I set the following in amanda.conf
>dumpcycle 1 weeks
>runspercycle 7
>tapecycle 7 tapes
>Does that mean I will get a full dump once a week and encrementals
>everey day(7 days)

You will get a full dump of each entry in the disklist at least once 
a week, mixed in with incrementals in a schedule that try's to 
equalize the tape useage per day.

But with only 7 tapes, there is a possibility of over-writing the 
last full of that disklist entry with only an incremental as amanda 
gets the scheduling adjusted.  No one here would recommend only 7 
tapes, the murphy style disaster is inevitable...

You need at least 14, and I have 20 in my own rotation, so I'm 
always assured that there are at least 2 fulls available in the 
unlikely event a disk goes belly up on me.

>What will be the formula to work on here?
>dumpcycle= period between full dumps?
>runspercycle= number of times backups will be done(divided into
> dumpcylce) tapecycle=number of tapes used in dumpcycle.
>If I have dumpcycle=1 week and runspercycle=5 and tapecycle=5
>Will I then get 1 full dump per week and incrementals monday to
> friday ?

Not without manually forceing the schedule, which is, generally 
speaking, not always a good thing(tm).

>Sorry for this all but I am writing a newbie howto and need to get
> my facts straight.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.14% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

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