Title: Restore from tape (not using Amanda) syntax

Hi Peoples,

I'm trying to dump from an Amanda tape onto the hard-drive by not using Amanda. This is probably a "you don't know how to use tar properly" question but:

        #mt -f /dev/rmt/0n status
        Vendor 'SONY    ' Product 'SDX-300C       ' tape drive:
        sense key(0x6)= Unit Attention   residual= 0   retries= 0
        file no= 0   block no= 0

        #mt -f /dev/rmt/0n rewind

I'm obviously doing something wrong here cause the command:
        #dd if=/dev/rmt/0n bs=32k skip=1 | /usr/local/bin/tar -cv -f /export/output.tar
        /usr/local/bin/tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive

The tape only has about 2GB of compressed data on it so it's not huge...

Any ideas?


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