> On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 01:38:18PM +0200, Toralf Lund wrote:
> > >On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 04:53:55PM +0200, Toralf Lund wrote:
> > >
> > >- As was mentioned earlier, your tapes won't stay synchronized to the
> > >calendar.  If Monday is a holiday and the tape doesn't get switched,
> > >amanda will ask for the Monday tape on Tuesday.
> >
> > Doesn't really matter. The day names are just meant to make it easier
> for
> > the person managing the tapes (not me) to know which one to bring. I
> > thought about using labels of the form <week no>.<run no> or simple
> > sequencing, but I decided that would be more confusing.
> Your confusion level may vary from mine and from the person managing the
> tapes.
> I would certainly be confused when amanda needs a tape labeled Monday on
> Wednesday.
Well, I may be wrong, but I'm assuming that would be the case only if an 
exceptional event that would have to be addressed anyway, occured.

> Trust the collective experience of the list, they will get out of your
> planned sequence.
I still find it hard to convince myself that a simple sequencing number, 
like most people suggest, would be better.

> > Forgot to mention this earlier: I'm not using incrementals at all.
> Tapes
> > from the same week will contain full backups of different directories,
> and
> > a given file is backed up (only) once a week.
> When you figure out how to get amanda to do this please let the list
> know.
> It is very atypical amanda usage.
Is it really? I'm merely using "skip-incr", and the total amount backed up 
is a little smaller than the space on runspercycle tapes.

It seems to me that:
1. Under these conditions, Amanda won't try to do a 2nd full dump of any 
of the data, even though the config allows it to do that (?) Also, if it 
does, I don't really care.
2. Trying to run incremental dumps would be meanlingless as there is 
hardly any room for the data, although some of it might fit in at the 
"holes" left when there is more room on a tape, but not enough to allow a 
full dump of a dirlist entry to be written. 
- Toralf

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