On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 10:29, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 09:54:46AM -0700, Carl D. Blake wrote:
> > I'm trying to setup an AMANDA backup system with the following
> > characteristics:
> >     Full backup every Wednesday on a different weekly tape
> >     Differential backup on Thurday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday
> >     Full backup on the last Wednesday of each month which is then
> >             archived for a year.
> > 
> > So far I've setup a Weekly configuration with runspercycle set to 0,
> > dumpcycle set to 0, and tapecycle set to 7.  record is set to yes so
> > that differentials run on a daily basis will have a date that the last
> > full backup was done on.
> > 
> > I have a Monthly configuration with runspercycle set to 0, dumpcycle set
> > to 0, and tapecycle set to 14.  Again, record is set to yes for the sake
> > of the daily differentials.
> > 
> > The Daily configuration is runspercycle set to 4, dumpcycle set to 1
> > weeks, and tapecycle set to 7.
> > 
> > I have cron setup to run "amdump Daily" on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,
> > and Friday; "amdump Weekly" on Wednesday for the first 3 (or 4) weeks of
> > the month; and "amdump Monthly" on the last Wednesday of the month.
> > 
> > Does this sound like my configuration will do what I want?  Or do I have
> > something really messed up?  Any comments or suggestions would be
> > appreciated.
> This is an "i don't know, but consider this" type of comment.
> How would you do a recovery?
> amrecover requires a config and your Daily config knows nothing
> about the level 0 backup except their dates.  It seems to me that
> it will not know what tape you need to load to get the level 0
> starting point.
This is a good point.  It looks like I would have to "know" which config
to use to get a particular file.  In other words I would have to know
that a file changed since the last full backup and use the last Daily
tape rather than getting the file from the last full backup.  However,
for a complete disaster recovery you almost always restore the last full
backup tape first and then do the last difference (level 1) tape.

> Maybe, just maybe, you could have common curinfo and index directories
> among the three configs, and common disklists (linked) as well.
Interesting idea.  I'll have to look at this.  I'm a little afraid that
I'll mess up the curinfo and index databases.  The disklists are linked
between the three configs right now.
> I have multiple archive configs, one for system dirs and one for user
> data dirs.  They share curinfo and index dirs, but different disklist
> files and never do incrementals.
> Separate topic, how do you have your crontab file set up for Weekly
> and Monthly?  I know how to set it up for the first Wed and all Wed
> but the first one, but I'm not sure how to do the last Wed and all
> Wed but the last one.  I would end up running every Wed a shell
> script that selects the correct amdump command.
I setup my crontab file to run a script called "runamdump" every day of
the week.  The crontab file runs the script as "runamdump Weekly" for
the first 24 days of 31 day months, the first 23 days of 30 day months,
and the first 21 days of February (this scheme doesn't handle leap years
yet).  The crontab file runs the script as "runamdump Monthly" for the
days 25-31 for 31 day months, 24-30 for 30 day months and 22-28 for
February.  The script file checks to see if the current day is Wednesday
by using the "date" command and if it is then runs amdump, otherwise it
exits.  Rather complicated, but it seems to work so far.  However, I've
only been doing this for about a week.  I'm sure that there is some
debugging in my future.

The reason I'm trying to setup my backup system in this manner is
because I want to have 3 to 4 sets of Weekly backups and 12 sets of
Monthly backups as well as the normal daily difference backups.  With
this kind of arrangement you can restore within a day for the previous
week, within a week for the previous month, and within a month for the
previous year.  With amanda I couldn't see how to do this without a huge
number of tapes in it's normal configuration.  I would need 5 tapes for
each week (15 to 20) and 5 tapes for each month (60) for a grand total
of 80 tapes.  Currently a complete full backup of all our systems being
backed up using amanda will fit on 1 tape.  This means the total number
of tapes I actually need are 4 tapes for the daily differences, 3 to 4
tapes for the weekly backups, and 12 tapes for the monthly backups for a
grand total of 20 tapes.  This is a lot fewer tapes (obviously :) and a
lot easier to deal with.

Any other suggestions or comments?
> -- 
> Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  JG Computing
>  4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
>  Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)
Carl D. Blake
Director of Engineering
Boeckeler Instruments, Inc.
4650 S. Butterfield Dr.
Tucson, AZ  85714

Phone: 520-745-0001
FAX: 520-745-0004


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