On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 10:29:08AM -0700, Carl D. Blake wrote:
> this kind of arrangement you can restore within a day for the previous
> week, within a week for the previous month, and within a month for the
> previous year.


If this is your goal, and you want to use Amanda, I would suggest

config "daily", run 5X/week:
    - dumpcycle 7 days
    - runspercycle 5
    - tapecycle 25
    - index yes
    - record yes
    - strategy normal

config "monthly", run 1X/month
    - dumpcycle 0
    - runspercycle 1
    - tapecycle 12
    - index yes
    - record no
    - strategy noinc

This gets you within a day for 5 weeks, and within a month for 1 year,
using 37 tapes.  It will "just work", with very little effort on your
part, because there are Amanda users all over the world doing something
*very* close this.

Note that I've freely mixed dumptype and non-dumptype parameters here
for brevity, you'll be more careful, of course.  :-)

Once you get over the extra tapes (hey, 37 > 20, but << 80!) and get
used to the idea that Amanda will do your daily fulls when *she* wants
(not when you want), you'll like it.  Trust me.  :-)

Jay Lessert                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Accelerant Networks Inc.                       (voice)1.503.439.3461
Beaverton OR, USA                                (fax)1.503.466.9472

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