On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 03:05:24PM -0800, Stephen Walton wrote:
> Hi,
> Haven't posted here in a long time because, well, Amanda just works.
> I recently added a new client, to my Amanda setup.  A few details about
> my configuration are after my .signature.  Five partitions on /dev/sda
> (/, /boot, /usr, /var, /opt) and one on /dev/sdb (/home).  amanda.conf
> lists them by partition (sda6, sda1, sda2, sda7, sda5, sdb1,
> respectively).  /dev/sda? are all mode 660, owner root, group disk,
> amanda belongs to only group disk.  Of all these partitions, only root
> (/dev/sda6) comes up as being offline when I do an amcheck or amdump.
> Here's the complete output of /tmp/amanda/selfcheck...debug:
> selfcheck: debug 1 pid 19828 ruid 513 euid 513 start time Wed Nov 20
> 14:52:28 2002
> /opt/amanda-2.4.2p2/libexec/selfcheck: version 2.4.2p2
> selfcheck: checking disk sda5
> selfcheck: device /opt
> selfcheck: OK
> selfcheck: checking disk /home
> selfcheck: device /home
> selfcheck: OK
> selfcheck: checking disk sda6
> selfcheck: device sda6
> selfcheck: could not access sda6 (sda6): No such file or directory

I'm not a Linux guy, but this is the one where Linux does not have
a conventional entry for "/" in /etc/fstab, right?

So if you're using tar, amanda cannot do the reverse-lookup from
device name to mount-point (directory path).

Solution is to use directory names in disklist, not device names.
Much easier to read, anyway.

It's probably unfortunate that example/disklist uses device name
syntax, n'est pas?

Jay Lessert                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Accelerant Networks Inc.                       (voice)1.503.439.3461
Beaverton OR, USA                                (fax)1.503.466.9472

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