This should have gone to amanda-users.  I've redirected it there.

On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 12:57:40PM +0100, Sergio G. Reus wrote:
> Hi,
> I've installed amanda 2.4.3 on an AIX  server. After following
> every installation step, and creating a simple configuration, I have run
> amdump. It runs perfectly, the logs do not say anything abnormal, the dumps
> are in the tape and can be recovered, but the report mail complains with 

My first reaction was "what is he talking about, 'ran perfectly'?
But then I noticed these lines of the report :

>   taper: tape PRMC-0 kb 153824 fm 2 [OK]

Which suggests 153MB were written to tape.

So, it seems like a reporting or a logging problem.

I use 2.4.2, but I don't think the log files format has changed.
You say the logs are normal.  Just to check, each line starts
with a keyword in caps (START, INFO, SUCCESS, STATS, FINISH, ???)
By far the most frequent in mine is "SUCCESS", but with only 2
disklist entries, you may have fewer (I'm guessing 4 total).

Is that a decent description of your log file?  If yes, I'd
guess the problem is reporting, if no, I'd suspect logging.

If the log file looks ok, does

        amreport <config> -l <logfile> -f <outputfile>

generate a more reasonable report in <outputfile>, or is it the
same report that was mailed to you after the amdump.  If the
latter, then probably something is wrong with your amreport.
Send me a note with your log file attached and I'll see if
the amreport's I have here (both 2.42 and 2.4.3) produce the
same or different results as your amreport.  Also attach your
config file.


> --------------------------------------------------------------
> These dumps were to tape PRMC-0.
> The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.
>   prmb       /etc RESULTS MISSING
>   prmb       /u04/copias/enfrio RESULTS MISSING
>                           Total       Full      Daily
>                         --------   --------   --------
> Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:00
> Run Time (hrs:min)         0:02
> Dump Time (hrs:min)        0:00       0:00       0:00
> Output Size (meg)           0,0        0,0        0,0
> Original Size (meg)         0,0        0,0        0,0
> Avg Compressed Size (%)     --         --         -- 
> Filesystems Dumped            0          0          0
> Avg Dump Rate (k/s)         --         --         -- 
> Tape Time (hrs:min)        0:00       0:00       0:00
> Tape Size (meg)             0,0        0,0        0,0
> Tape Used (%)               0,0        0,0        0,0
> Filesystems Taped             0          0          0
> Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)     --         --         -- 
>   taper: tape PRMC-0 kb 153824 fm 2 [OK]
>                                      DUMPER STATS            TAPER STATS 
> -------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------
> prmb         /etc          MISSING --------------------------------------
> prmb         -ias/enfrio   MISSING --------------------------------------
> (brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.3)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So the only thing failing is the mail generation. I have checked file permissions
> with my other AMANDA server and they are OK. So why the mail can't get the 
> Thanks in advance,
> Sergio
>>> End of included message <<<

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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