> If the log file looks ok, does
>       amreport <config> -l <logfile> -f <outputfile>
> generate a more reasonable report in <outputfile>, or is it the
> same report that was mailed to you after the amdump.  If the
> latter, then probably something is wrong with your amreport.
> Send me a note with your log file attached and I'll see if
> the amreport's I have here (both 2.42 and 2.4.3) produce the
> same or different results as your amreport.  Also attach your
> config file.
> jon

You are right, amreport is not reading the logs properly. When I

        amreport PRMCompleta -l log -f /tmp/rep.txt

I get the same report than in the mail, and the following errors in the
standard output:

line 8 of log is bogus
line 9 of log is bogus
line 10 of log is bogus
line 11 of log is bogus

Just the "SUCCESS" lines. But the log file is correct. Judge yourself:

START driver date 20030114
START planner date 20030114
INFO planner Adding new disk prmb:/etc.
INFO planner Adding new disk prmb:/u04/copias/enfrio.
FINISH planner date 20030114
STATS driver startup time 0.557
START taper datestamp 20030114 label PRMD-000 tape 0
SUCCESS dumper prmb /etc 20030114 0 [sec 0.695 kb 448 kps 644.1 orig-kb 2590]
SUCCESS taper prmb /etc 20030114 0 [sec 1.183 kb 480 kps 405.7 {wr: writers 15 rdwait 
0.000 wrwait 0.023 filemark 1.159}]
SUCCESS dumper prmb /u04/copias/enfrio 20030114 0 [sec 95.896 kb 153312 kps 1598.7 
orig-kb 1438450]
SUCCESS taper prmb /u04/copias/enfrio 20030114 0 [sec 14.429 kb 153344 kps 10627.2 
{wr: writers 4792 rdwait 1.103 wrwait 12.515 filemark 0.760}]
INFO taper tape PRMD-000 kb 153824 fm 2 [OK]
FINISH driver date 20030114 time 150.796

I also attatch the config file. Now I'm browsing the reporter.c source code,
although I hope someone can give an easier solution. 
Thanks in advance,


Attachment: amanda.conf
Description: Binary data

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