I am backing up two boxes, the server and one client, both linux redhat 8.0 on 
the server and 7.3 on the client. don't seem to have a problem backing up, 
when I try running amrecover I get:

[root@tigger testrest]# amrecover -s garfield -C Daily-Backup-Set1
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on garfield ...
220 garfield AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2003-01-28)
200 Working date set to 2003-01-28.
200 Working date set to 2003-01-28.
amrecover: Unexpected server end of file

I've seen this is a common thing, usually solved very easily but I must be 
missing something.

Browsing the groups I found much hope but no luck...

I checked the following and all seems in order:

I have "index on" in amanda.conf (in define dumptype global)
I have the appropriate xinetd files and they look right.
I have an entry in .amandahosts for the client with user root

I su - root and issue the amrecover

There is no firewalls between the two.

I'm stomped, what am I missing? PLS Help!


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