If this problem is addressed somewhere else in the mail list archives I
apologize in advance. I have not been able to find anything that helps
me solve this problem after 3 days of searching and fiddling...


I have had Amanda configured and running on this server with a single
internal tape drive with no issues. The internal drive  is /dev/nst0.

I have installed a HP SureStore 24x6 to handle the backups now as the
internal drive is just too small and requires too much manual
intervention. The SureStore tape device is /dev/nst1 and the changer is
/dev/sg2. Since the HP does not use a separate SCSI ID for the changer
using the tape device's no-rewind device is what needs to be done.

The changer responds on both /dev/sg1 and /dev/sg2 but only /dev/sg2
will respond to the mtx eject command so I figured that is the proper
one to use.

The SCSI info on the box:

scsi0 : Adaptec AIC7XXX EISA/VLB/PCI SCSI HBA DRIVER, Rev 6.2.8
(scsi0:A:5): 10.000MB/s transfers (10.000MHz, offset 15)
scsi1 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
Attached scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 2, lun 0
Attached scsi tape st1 at scsi0, channel 0, id 5, lun 0

Vendor: WangDAT   Model: Model 3200        Rev: 02.5
Vendor: HP        Model: C1557A            Rev: U812
Vendor: HP        Model: C1557A            Rev: U812

I get an error trying to access /dev/sg2 as the Amanda user so I had to
set /sbin/mtx to run as suid root. That seemed to take care of that
issue (if anyone has a better idea let me know)

The changer responds to mtx fine: (example)

[root@ruby daily-net]# su amanda -c "mtx -f /dev/sg2 status"
  Storage Changer /dev/sg2:1 Drives, 6 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Full 
      Storage Element 2:Full 
      Storage Element 3:Full 
      Storage Element 4:Full 
      Storage Element 5:Full 
      Storage Element 6:Full

as well as mt:

su amanda -c "mt -f /dev/nst1 status"
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=-1, block number=-1, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x0 (default).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (50000):


I can't seem to get the configuration to work right with the SureStore.
Running amcheck yields:

[root@ruby daily-net]# su amanda -c "amcheck daily-net"
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /var/tmp: 7068972 KB disk space available, that's plenty
amcheck-server: could not get changer info: badly formed result from
changer: "/usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx: line 151: [: : integer expression

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.900 seconds, 0 problems found

I had a suggestion that /usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx had some issues out
of the box and needed to be edited. An Amanda user that uses the same
tape drive provided me with both an amanda.conf and mtx-changer.conf
files from his working installation to compare against mine. They were
identical except for device locations. Here is the pertinent info from
my files:

chg-zd-mtx looks like that at line 151:

if [ "$usedslot" -eq "-1" ]; then
      echo '-1' > $slotfile


runtapes 2              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of
tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx"  # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "/dev/nst1"     # the no-rewind tape device to be used
rawtapedev "/dev/nst1"  # the raw device to be used (ftape only)
#changerfile "/var/lib/amanda/daily-net/changer"
#changerfile "/var/lib/amanda/daily-net/changer-status"
changerfile "/etc/amanda/daily-net/mtx-changer"
changerdev "/dev/sg2"

tapetype HP1557A                

define tapetype HP1557A {
    comment "HP SureStore DAT 24x6 tape drive"
    # data provided by Ivo Clarysse 
    length 12000 mbytes
    filemark 111 kbytes
    speed 3000 kbytes

and mtx-changer.conf

firstslot=1     #### 1st tape slot
lastslot=6      #### Last tape slot
cleanslot=6     #### Slot with cleaner tape

AUTOCLEAN=0     #### Set to '1' or greater to enable

autocleancount=99       #### Number of access before a clean.

havereader=0    #### If you have a barcode reader, set to 1.

offlinestatus=1 #### Set to 0 if 'mt status' gives an
                #### "offline" when drive is offline.
                #### Set to 1 or greater if 'mt status'
                #### doesn't give and offline, rather an
                #### "ONLINE" when drive is online.


If anyone has any idea where I've gone wrong or what the problem is I
would greatly appreciate your comments.

Many thanks in advance.


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