On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 14:41, Pete Poggione wrote:
> I get an error trying to access /dev/sg2 as the Amanda user so I had to
> set /sbin/mtx to run as suid root. That seemed to take care of that
> issue (if anyone has a better idea let me know)

This is not wise-- with suid root, any non-privileged user on the system
would be able to execute mtx.  This is probably not what you want.  It
would be better to make the device read/writable by the group that the
amanda user belongs to, such as "operator" or "backup".

For example, on my Debian box, I have an HP changer as well, and the
robot is on /dev/sg2 like yours.  On Debian, amanda runs as user
"backup" and group "backup" so I did:

# chmod g+rw backup /dev/sg2

Now amanda has access to the robot without making mtx suid root.  Normal
users have no access to the device.


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