
I'm testing further to try the bump to a higher level.
>From my config:

bumpsize 20 MB          # minimum savings (threshold) to bump level 1 ->2
bumpdays     1          # minimum days at each level
bumpmult     4          # threshold = bumpsize * (level-1)**bumpmult

dumpcycle 3 days        # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
tapecycle 4 tapes       # the number of tapes in rotation

What I did for my dumps
1: file of 600 Mb
2: Added a file of 12 Mb
3: added a file of 600 Mb
4: added a file of 600 Mb

And here is the amadmin output:

~$ amadmin DailySet1 find localhost
Scanning /data/backup...

date       host      disk               lv tape or file file status
2003-02-17 localhost /data/amanda-test/  0 HISS3           1 OK
2003-02-17 localhost /data/amanda-test/  1 HISS0           1 OK
2003-02-17 localhost /data/amanda-test/  1 HISS1           1 OK
2003-02-17 localhost /data/amanda-test/  2 HISS2           1 OK
2003-02-17 localhost /data/amanda-test/  3 HISS3           1 OK

The levels of the backups are ok, following the configuration.
What I don't understand is that on the tape HISS3, I had the level three
backup erase the level 0.....

Shouldn't that have been prevented? Can I still recover all files (since
the level 0 backup isn't available anymore)?
Or could this be due to the fact that I erased files to restart from
zero? (cf a previous mail ;-)

Thanks for your help.


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