On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 10:27:44AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have indeed a tapecycle  4 configuration
> Is there a way to make sevral backup a day but still have the same
> behaviour as if those backups were made one per day? (without playing
> wit the date of the computer)

You can run several backups a day just fine. However
you must not use more tapes than your tapecycle is.
And to be careful and prepared for disaster:
Have always three generations handy. 
I _recommend_ to have at least:

3 * runspercycle * runtapes Tapes. 

man amanda says:
              For  instance,  if dumpcycle is set to 14 days, one
              Amanda run is done every day (Sunday through Satur­
              day),  and  runtapes  is set to one, then tapecycle
              must be at least 15 (14 days * one  run/day  *  one
              tape/run + one tape).

E.g. you are testing with dumpcycle 1 and up to 4 runs a day, you need
5 tapes as _absolute minimum_ (and then you are depending on each
tape!) and 12 for a warm and fuzzy feeling.

> I took a look at the mail I received, but it didn't mention anything
> wrong. See below for the whole mail.

Overflowing the tapecycle in just one day is apparently 
not prohibited :-((


Dietmar Goldbeck, Senior Consultant, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Neteligent GmbH, http://www.neteligent.de/
Walter-Benjamin-Platz 6, 10629 Berlin, Germany 
fon: +49 (0)30/310182-73, fax: +49 (0)30/310182-79

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