On Wed February 26 2003 14:33, John Oliver wrote:
>1) This morning, my amanda report said:
>These dumps were to tape Indyme010.
>The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.
>Instead of "The next tape Amanda expects to use is: Indyme011."
>Here's the tapelist:
>20030226 Indyme010 reuse
>20030225 Indyme009 reuse
>20030221 Indyme008 reuse
>20030220 Indyme007 reuse
>20030219 Indyme006 reuse
>20030218 Indyme005 reuse
>20030215 Indyme004 reuse
>20030214 Indyme003 reuse
>20030213 Indyme002 reuse
>20030212 Indyme001 reuse
>0 Indyme013 reuse
>0 Indyme012 reuse
>0 Indyme011 reuse
>There was a 014 and 015 in there, but I deleted them so, afetr
> this week, it would go back to using 001 on Monday.
>2) Also, my report gave me another STRANGE backup, caused in part
> by stuff in /tmp and the holdingdisk changing.  But:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar

exclude lists were, the last time I used them, to be stated in 
"relative" format. If you had entered ./tmp and ./hold (note the 
leading dot to anchor it to the present directory) then *any* tmp 
dir and *any* hold dir will have been skipped, including the 
subdirs of any such named dir.

But please read the docs, this may have been changed since the last 
time I used this feature.  As the stuff I figure is loseable in 
/tmp, then I just don't put it in my disklist, and of course I do 
not have a "/" entry in my disklist as that would take about 6 of 
my 4 gig tapes to cover in one swell foop.  I can regenerate it if 
I need it bad enough.

>define dumptype root-tar {
>    global
>    program "GNUTAR"
>    comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
>    compress none
>    index
>    exclude list "/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar"
>    priority low
>define dumptype comp-root-tar {
>    root-tar
>    comment "Root partitions with compression"
>    compress client fast
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# grep backup /etc/amanda/DailySet1/disklist
>backup /dev/hda1 comp-root-tar
>What am I doing wrong to get /tmp and /hold excluded?

Cheers, Gene
99.23% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

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