On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 04:28:02PM -0800, John Oliver wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 05:26:59PM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > Just a guess, but I'd say it's because "0" is not a valid date, so
> > those lines are being ignored completely.
> Those lines are what results when you amlabel a tape.  If your
> surmisation was correct, amanda would never use any tapes.

No, if my guess is correct, amanda would never ask by name for a tape
that hasn't been used yet and would instead ask simply for "a new tape".
This is, incidentally, exactly what the original question described

It has been long enough since I last added tapes to my rotation that I
don't recall whether this is what I saw, but it seems like a reasonable
behaviour to me (why should amanda prefer one unused tape over another?),
so I would have considered it unremarkable if I had seen it.

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