>From: Christoph Scheeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>first :
>simple answer, simple question, and amanda is telling it to you:
>amanda thinks the level 0 dump of this filesystem will not fit on a single

That's understood.

>Amanda can not span a single disk-list entry over multiple tapes.
>  you'll have to split it up using excludelists and tar.
>>   planner: pbrazor1.tszrh.csfb.com /ora 20030226 0 [dump larger than tape,
>> full dump delayed]
>  second: these values will give you problems.
> > There are 6 Tapes in the changer;
> > dumpcycle 1 weeks
> > runspercycle 5
> > tapecycle 6 tapes
> > runtapes 3
>you want 5 runs per week, each using up to 3 tapes.
>This tells amanda:
>do a level 0 for each filesystem at least every 15 tapes.
>  but a little later you tell her she only has 6 tapes in rotation.
>this is a NoNo with amanda.
>either lower your dump-cycle or get more tapes.
>runtapes should be at least one tape bigger then runspercycle x runtapes,
>or amanda will get confused about when to do a level 0 of your disks.

OK, I see the problem, but not the solution yet ;-)
There are 6 Tapes in the changer and I dont want to swap these. It is supposed
to be sort of "unmaintained forever".
- If I put runtapes 1: will it still use more than one tape if needed?
- If I put runspercycle 3 and runtapes 2 then I still would need 7 Tapes...
- If I put runspercycle 2 and still call it 5 times: will it confuse amanda?

I know I could find out trying but it would take ages.

>if you want only level 0 backups, you should set dumpcycle to 0.

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