On Thu February 27 2003 07:53, Matt Hyclak wrote:
>On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 10:20:41AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
enlightened us:
>> Hi all
>> amanda keeps using only one tape per day but always delays full
>> dump for the same disk
>> (/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    8758612 6866287 1804739    80%    /ora)
>> Why cant it use a second tape?
>> There are 6 Tapes in the changer;
>> dumpcycle 1 weeks
>> runspercycle 5
>> tapecycle 6 tapes
>> runtapes 3
>> tapetype SURESTORE-1200E
>> define tapetype SURESTORE-1200E {
>>     comment "HP AutoLoader"
>>     length 3900 mbytes
>>     filemark 100 kbytes
>>     speed 500 kbytes
>> }
>> What's wrong whith it?
>>   planner: pbrazor1.tszrh.csfb.com /ora 20030226 0 [dump larger
>> than tape, full dump delayed]
>This is why. It must be bigger than 3900 mbytes after amanda
> compresses it, so it won't fit on a single tape. Amanda doesn't
> span tapes, so you'll have to split this up with tar.

What am I missing here Matt?  Thats not the same DLE he quotes at 
the top of the message, so how does that become reconciled?
Not trying to be nibby, just curious :)

Cheers, Gene
99.23% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

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