On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 12:54:40PM -0800, bao wrote:
> I just got a similar problem to what Odd Rune Dahle described, with a 
> slightly different message.
> In the amidxtaped.<timestamp>.debug file, almost everything went fine until:
> amrestore: error reading file header: Is a directory
> amidxtaped: time 0.004: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
> amidxtaped: time 0.004: rewinding tape ...
> amidxtaped: time 30.102: tape_rewind tape: /home/amanda/testSet1: 
> Inappropriate ioctl for device
> amidxtaped: time 30.102: pid 25439 finish blah blah blah
> 1. The "Inappropriate..." must be because I use tapeless back up on a 
> second hard drive.

What's your tapedev in amanda.conf? You should use it.
Maybe it's 'file:/home/amanda/testSet1'.

> 2. Is amrestore capable of restoring a whole directory tree???
> And what goes wrong here?
> Thanks,
> Odd Rune Dahle wrote:
> >Joshua Baker-LePain:
> >
> >>>>>EOF, check amidxtaped.debug file on ns1.
> >>>>
> >>>>And did you do this?  What's in that file?
> >>>
> >>>I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that this file doesn't exist. 
> >>
> >>First off, what user you running that command as?  If it's not root or 
> >>amanda, then it's not going to pick up /tmp/amanda (where the debug files 
> >>live), b/c /tmp/amanda has 700 permissions.
> >
> >
> >It was as root. But now that you mention /tmp/amanda, I checked there.
> >amrestore refer to amidxtaped.debug, but the file is named
> >amidxtaped.<timestamp>.debug.. no wonder the locate command didn't
> >find it :-)
> >
> >Things made a bit more sense once I found the debug-file:
> >
> >amrestore: could not open /dev/tape: Permission denied
> >amidxtaped: time 0.003: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
> >amidxtaped: time 0.003: rewinding tape ...
> >amidxtaped: time 0.003: tape_rewind: tape open: /dev/tape: Permission 
> >denied
> >amidxtaped: time 0.003: pid 10103 finish time Fri Feb 28 07:19:30 2003
> >
> >My xinetd-setup specified the wrong group for amidxtaped (bin), when I
> >use 'disk' as owner of the tape-device.  Unfortunately there are
> >nobody on-site until monday morning, but we'll run a new test then. 
> >
> >Thanks for the help :-) 
> >

Jean-Louis Martineau             email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Departement IRO, Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succ. CENTRE-VILLE    Tel: (514) 343-6111 ext. 3529
Montreal, Canada, H3C 3J7        Fax: (514) 343-5834

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