On Fri March 28 2003 23:32, Gene Heskett wrote:
>On Fri March 28 2003 12:46, Mike Simpson wrote:
>>Hi --
>>> Any tips or tricks or other thoughts?  Is this the Linux
>>> dump/restore problem I've seen talked about on the mailing
>>> list? I don't understand how the gzip file could be corrupted
>>> by a problem internal to the dump/restore cycle.
>>Answering my own question after a week of testing ... I think
>> I've discovered a bug in Amanda 2.4.4.  This is what I've
>> deciphered:
>>(1) Restores of backup sets that compressed to < 1 gb worked
>> fine. Backup sets that, when compressed, were > 1 GB blew up
>> every time with gzip corruption error messages.  This was
>> consistent across OS's (Solaris 8, RedHat 7.x), filesystem types
>> (ufs, vxfs, ext2/3), and backup modes (DUMP, GNUTAR).
>>(2) The gzip corruption message always occured at the same spot,
>> i.e.
>>      gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
>>      Error 32 (Broken pipe) offset 1073741824+131072, wrote 0

My recovered test file wasn't gzipped, and it didn't contain a block 
of zero's at that offset.  khexedit had a high old time loading 
that, took about 10 minutes to load it, and about 15 to find the 
exact offset as the scroller went about 1000x too fast per pixel it 

And I just checked my amanda.conf, and I am indeed using a 1G chunk 
size.  So everything seems to match except it wasn't gzipped, and 
the recovered file is good.  So, while I didn't find anything, this 
is one more clue to plug into the detectives data.  I could change 
that disklist entry to make it run it thru gzip, but it would 
probably expand quite a bit as its my cd collection, ogg-encoded.  
ISTR the one time I tried that it compressed to 134%.  But I will 
try it for the next dumpcycle.  But dumpcycle is 5 days too, so 
that answer won't be instant.

In the meantime, if you figure it out, be sure to post how you did 


Cheers, Gene
99.25% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
Yahoo.com attornies please note, additions to this message
by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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