On Sat March 29 2003 12:04, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
>Hi Mike,
>Thanks for your good description of the problem.
>You found a bug in a the way the taper read a file from holding
> disk if blocksize > 32k.
>There is two posible workaround (untested).
>1. Set your chunksize to '32k + n * blocksize' where n is an
> integer.
>2. Set file-pad to false.
>Setting chunksize to an arbitrary big value will not work if a
>dump must be written to two different holding disk, you should set
>it acording to workaround 1.

Humm.  While looking for the file-pad variable, right above it is 
this statement, which seems like a rather odd way of saying that the 
blocksize as used is actually fixed at 32768 bytes
blocksize "int"
   Default: 32 kbytes.  How much data will be written in each  tape
   record.   The minimum blocksize value is 32 KBytes.  The maximum
   blocksize value is 32 KBytes.
Please comment or discuss this.

>On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 11:46:11AM -0600, Mike Simpson wrote:
>> Hi --
>> > Any tips or tricks or other thoughts?  Is this the Linux
>> > dump/restore problem I've seen talked about on the mailing
>> > list?  I don't understand how the gzip file could be corrupted
>> > by a problem internal to the dump/restore cycle.
>> Answering my own question after a week of testing ... I think
>> I've discovered a bug in Amanda 2.4.4.  This is what I've
>> deciphered:
>> (1) Restores of backup sets that compressed to < 1 gb worked
>> fine. Backup sets that, when compressed, were > 1 GB blew up
>> every time with gzip corruption error messages.  This was
>> consistent across OS's (Solaris 8, RedHat 7.x), filesystem types
>> (ufs, vxfs, ext2/3), and backup modes (DUMP, GNUTAR).
>> (2) The gzip corruption message always occured at the same spot,
>> i.e.
>>      gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
>>      Error 32 (Broken pipe) offset 1073741824+131072, wrote 0
>>     which is 1024^3 bytes + 128k.  I note that in my Amanda
>>     configuration, I had "chunksize" defined to "1 gbyte" and
>>     "blocksize" set to "128 kbytes" (the chunksize was just for
>>     convenience, the blocksize seems to maximize my write
>>     performance).
>> (3) I used "dd" to retrieve one of the compressed images that
>> was failing.  At the 1 gb mark in the file, the more-or-less
>> random bytes of the compressed stream were interrupted by
>> exactly 32k of zeroed bytes.  I note that 32k is Amanda's
>> default blocksize.
>> (4) For last night's backups, I set "chunksize" to an
>> arbitrarily high number, to prevent chunking, which works fine
>> in my setup because I use one very large ext3 partition for all
>> of my Amanda holding disk, which nullifies concerns about
>> filesystem size and max file size.  The restores I've done this
>> morning have all worked fine, including the ones that had
>> previously shown the corruption.
>> I'm not enough of a C coder to come up with a real patch to fix
>> this. I'm hoping the above gives enough clues to let someone who
>> _is_ a real C coder do so.
>> If this should be posted to the amanda-hackers list, please feel
>> free to do so, or let me know and I'll do it.  Also, if any
>> other information would be helpful, just ask.
>> Thanks,
>> -mgs

Cheers, Gene
99.25% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
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by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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