On Fri, May 30, 2003 at 11:32:54PM -0400, Chris Gordon wrote:
> I've been running amanda for several months with backups to disk
> (amanda version 2.4.3).  Recently I've had backups failing and can't
> figure out what the problem may be.  
> Some details:
>  - Clients and backup server are Linux (RedHat 8)
>  - backup disk has plenty of free space (80 GB drive
>    with only 35% in use)
> Below is an example report from one of the failed dumps.  Nothing has
> recently changed that "should" affect backups.  I haven't found
> anything to help point me in the right direction and would appreciate
> any points.
> These dumps were to tape standard14.
> The next 7 tapes Amanda expects to used are:
> standard16, standard17,
> standard18,
> +standard19, standard20, standard21, standard22.

Interesting that "standard15" is not mentioned.
It may have bearing on my guesses.

>   gilgamesh. / lev 1 FAILED [unknown response: 0;]
>   gilgamesh. / lev 1 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
>   goblin.the /var lev 1 FAILED [can't dump no-hold disk in degraded mode]

A scan of the source shows that message only coming in one place.
At that time the backup has entered degraded mode.  Further, the message
is only printed if the backup is not using a holding disk.

So first I presume you are not using a holding disk.

Second, looking at the source (quickly, so I might have missed something)
degraded mode is only entered after a dump starts if a "tape error" occurs.

So I'm guessing you have a size limit on your "disk tapes" and standard14
reached that limit.  When the changer script went to switch to standard15,
an error occured.  That put you into degraded mode, and without a holding
disk, backups of all subsequent DLE's failed.

A place to start looking at least.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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