Assuming you're running Linux, all you need is some form of Linux
rescue disk. I've got a bunch of Debian installer cd's lying around
and have used them for similar purposes before. Probably most Linux
installer cd's can be used like this, and I'm quite certain
something like Knoppix would include all the utilities anyone would
need. Who knows, might even work to restore tapes made with
non-Linux amanda servers.

BTW, if restoring without an amanda server, doesn't one also need
amrestore? The other day I tried restoring an amanda image, and had
to run it through amrestore before I could untar it.

Eric Siegerman said:
> On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:17:16PM -0400, Ean Kingston wrote:
>> Also, with hardware compression, I know I can restore the tape
>> without having
>> to worry about finding the right libraries and programs to do the
>> restore.
> True.  But one can work around that by backing up / uncompressed,
> and making sure it contains a (possibly statically linked) copy
> of gzip.  Hmmm, something to add to my to-do list :-(

Kurt Yoder
Sport & Health network administrator

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