Paul Bijnens said:
> Kurt Yoder wrote:
>> What does "taper: FATAL syncpipe_put: Broken pipe" mean? I've
>> tried
>> twice to flush a 26 GB dump image to tape, and got this message
>> both
>> times.
> Any other messages in the file "amdump.*" and the LOG.datestamp.lvl.
> file?
> There are two tapers, a reader and a writer.  Maybe there are some
> error messages from one of those.

My amdump log file is quite long, so here's the part that seems most

driver: finished-cmd time 9464.088 dumper0 dumped
driver: send-cmd time 9464.088 to taper: FILE-WRITE 00-00026
/backups/amandadisk/holding/20030911/ /home/groups/graphics_photos 0 20030911
driver: state time 9464.088 free kps: 36000 space: 55661264 taper:
writing idle-dumpers: 4 qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 0 roomq: 0 wakeup: 86400
driver-idle: not-idle
driver: interface-state time 9464.088 if : free 36000
driver: hdisk-state time 9464.088 hdisk 0: free 55661264 dumpers 0
syncpipe_put: Broken pipe
taper: pid 6574 finish time Thu Sep 11 03:31:12 2003
driver: result time 10870.550 from taper:
dump of driver schedule before start degraded mode:

Then here's my amflush log file:

driver: send-cmd time 0.000 to taper: START-TAPER 20030911
taper: pid 7964 executable taper version 2.4.2p2
changer: opening pipe to: /usr/lib/amanda/chg-multi -info
changer: got exit: 0 str: 1 1 1
changer_query: changer return was 1 1
changer_query: searchable = 0
changer_find: looking for CDS1tape07 changer is searchable = 0
changer: opening pipe to: /usr/lib/amanda/chg-multi -slot current
changer: got exit: 0 str: 1 /dev/nst0
taper: slot 1: date 20030811 label CDS1tape07 (exact label match)
taper: read label `CDS1tape07' date `20030811'
taper: wrote label `CDS1tape07' date `20030911'
driver: send-cmd time 11.544 to taper: FILE-WRITE 00-00001
/backups/amandadisk/holding/20030911/ /home/groups/graphics_photos 0 20030911
syncpipe_put: Broken pipe
taper: pid 7965 finish time Thu Sep 11 09:18:40 2003
driver: send-cmd time 44.205 to taper: QUIT
writing taper command: Broken pipe

and here's my log.20030911.1:

START amflush date 20030911
START taper datestamp 20030911 label CDS1tape07 tape 0
FATAL taper syncpipe_put: Broken pipe
WARNING amflush
taper error, leaving file on disk
WARNING amflush Could not rmdir
/backups/amandadisk/holding/20030911.  Check for cruft.
FINISH amflush date 20030911 time 44.205

Kurt Yoder
Sport & Health network administrator

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