Paul Bijnens said:
> Kurt Yoder wrote:
>> My amdump log file is quite long, so here's the part that seems
>> most
>> relevant:
>  >  ...
> It seems it is the taper writer that is somehow crashing, without
> telling anybody.  Do you find a core file in the amanda home dir
> or in /tmp/amanda ?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/amanda# find / -name core

> Just a wild guess: is the tapecapacity < 26Gbyte?  You're still
> running
> version 2.4.2p2 and I remember somewhere someone changed something
> so that a file that fails twice while taping, is not a candidate
> anymore
> (avoiding that one file is tried on each tape and trashes all tapes
> in the loader).

Tape and drive capacity is 40 GB uncompressed. So what would be
wrong with the dump image? Should I try manually uncompressing that
image and seeing what's on it?

> If you're brave, upgrade to 2.4.4p1 (or the latest 2.4.4 snapshot
> from
> ) and if the problem
> persists, recompile amanda with TAPER_DEBUG=1.

I'd like to avoid that if at all possible...

Kurt Yoder
Sport & Health network administrator

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