
I am facing two problems. first of all I need to force the label for the
inserted tape and only then dump works. However There is seems to be a
problem with the amdump. It cannot dump sda3 but  can dump sda6
successfully.Here is the error on the log file for amdump. I have deleted
the weeks from runspercycle as told. I am not able to figure out the
problem. I would appreciate if you would help me with this.

START planner date 20031027
INFO planner Forcing full dump of brokerserver:sda3 as directed.
ERROR taper no-tape [reading label: Input/output error]
FINISH planner date 20031027
STATS driver startup time 106.953
FAIL driver brokerserver sda3 0 [can't switch to incremental dump]
SUCCESS dumper brokerserver sda6 20031027 1 [sec 684.154 kb 4602880 kps
6727.8 orig-kb 6113730]
FINISH driver date 20031027 time 791.162


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Bijnens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Yogish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: tape problem

> Yogish wrote:
> > Hi Paul and Scheeder
> >
> > Here is the error it is giving me when I try to run amdump. It is not
> > specific to friday but it happens everyday, So I am not sure what to do.
> >  I have attached the lastest amanda.conf and disklist files.
> In your current amanda.conf is still an error ("runspercycle 5 weeks"
> is interpreted as 35), that I pointed out previously; I didn't read
> any further to see other errors anymore.  Why don't you just do what
> experienced users on this list propose?
> > *** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [reading label: Input/output error].
> > Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
> > Run amflush to flush them to tape.
> > The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.
> >
> >   brokerserv sda6 lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]
> >   brokerserv sda3 lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]
> > Please tell how I can force amanda to do a dump  on the existing tape
> > irrespective of the tape number or label.
> Amanda NEEDS a label to verify.  Just label the tape, *please*!
> e.g. why don't you verify if there is a label on the tape with
> the command Christophe Scheeder explained?
> And if necessary just relabel the tape with "amlabel -f ..." just
> as explained in the same mail.
> Repeating the same thing just makes me tired, or ignore further
> requests for help...
> --
> Paul @ Home

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