Hi Gene

Thanks for all the help. Actually it did give some error for the second
command which I had pasted.

> >> dd if=/dev/st0 count=1
> No output on the screen? Odd.
> >Amanda Tape Server Host Check
> >-----------------------------
> >ERROR: running as user "root" instead of "amanda"
> >
> >1+0 records in
> >1+0 records out

This was the error.

So how do I configure amanda.conf and the disklist such that it does
incremental backup during monday through thursday and do full backup on
friday. Also we have 6 tapes, out which tape 5 and 6 are rotated on
alternate weeks. So How do I configure this.

I apprecaite your help greatly.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Yogish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: tape problem

> On Wednesday 29 October 2003 01:26, Yogish wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> >Here are the results for the commands
> >
> >
> >mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
> >No error, prompt was returned after the command
> expected
> >> dd if=/dev/st0 count=1
> No output on the screen? Odd.
> >Amanda Tape Server Host Check
> >-----------------------------
> >ERROR: running as user "root" instead of "amanda"
> >
> >1+0 records in
> >1+0 records out
> >
> >su amanda -c "amcheck /yourconfigname/"
> >Amanda Tape Server Host Check
> >-----------------------------
> >Holding disk /home/amanda: 20204072 KB disk space available, that's
> > plenty
> >ERROR: cannot overwrite active tape normal02
> >       (expecting a new tape)
> >NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
> >Server check took 14.131 seconds
> >
> >Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> >--------------------------------
> >Client check: 1 host checked in 0.010 seconds, 0 problems found
> >
> >(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)
> >
> So the above named tape 1. contains a label (why didn't the dd line
> above show it?), and 2. its been written to according to amanda.  It
> cannot then be reused until the tapelist has been traversed and it
> comes around again.
> >I have also attached amanda.conf disklist for the configuration
> I don't see anything wrong with the disklist unless it might be a
> missing spindle number, which would make amanda think they are two
> different drives rather than what appears to be 2 partitions on the
> same drive.  If the latter case, that could lead to some thrashing of
> the drive as it seeks back and forth between the two partition.
> Using identical, positive spindle numbers as the last item on each
> line will cause the accesses to be serialized, with the second one
> waiting till the first is done.  Actually its marginally faster, and
> easier on the drive.
> Your amanda.conf it appears has been fixed up a little, and now
> contains quasi-usable numbers.  I'd question the default etimeout,
> thats a bit short on time to do a full estimate on todays
> multigigabyte partitions.  Off the top of my head, I think I've got
> that set for 1200 seconds, or 20 minutes as I have a couple of 40+
> gig partitions here.  Your second partition could be timing out
> because of this.
> I note you do not have a dtimeout specified, the default IIRC is 600
> seconds, and ISTR I've got that setup for 1800 or 30 minutes, one of
> my client DLE's is over 7Gb, set for compress-client-best to make it
> fit, a killer cpu hog on a 500mhz machine.
> Holding disk.  Can of worms here, you have an 80Gb tape/drive, but
> only 10Gb usable.  This probably needs to be jacked up to at least 2x
> the largest DLE else the holding disk will be skipped for larger
> DLE's, leading (possibly, certainly if any SW compression is being
> used) to the "shoe-shining" of the drive as it underflows, runs out
> of data, stops and backs up to restart when the buffer fills up
> again.  Hard on the drive, tape, and a bit of a time waster.  They
> are much happier when they can start up and run non-stop till the
> tape has been written.
> And last, a dumpcycle of 7, runspercycle of 5, really needs at least
> 10 tapes in the tapecycle to prevent over-writing your last good full
> with a potentially bad new one *IF* you weren't specifying
> always-full in the disklist, but were making use of amandas ability
> to spread out the fulls mixed with incrementals by auto-adjusting the
> schedule on a day by day basis.  However thats not going to be really
> usable until you get a lot more DLE's for amanda to juggle, 2 doesn't
> give her much dancing room.
> Now, if TPTB are married to the "always-full" idea, then I'd reset
> things in your amanda.conf to:
> dumpcycle 1 day
> runspercycle 1
> runtapes 1
> That way, your 6 tapes won't seem like such a limitation as each one
> will in fact be a full backup and amanda will know thats the case
> from those settings.  If you have the tape capacity, thats nice, but
> IMO wastes a lot of amanda's intelligent talent.
> I've overdone it a bit here, forced by having such a small drive, as
> dumpcycle and runspercycle are both set to 8, and I have 28 tapes in
> the tapecycle.  So my "safety ratio" is 3.5 sets of fulls on hand at
> any one time.  But then my tapes are both small (4Gb uncompressed
> DDS2's), not as dependable, and dirt cheap ($30 or less for a 10
> pack) on ebay.
> Now are you beginning to understand amanda?
> [snip old msg]
> -- 
> Cheers, Gene
> 99.27% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
> Yahoo.com attornies please note, additions to this message
> by Gene Heskett are:
> Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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