I have the following dumptype defined:

define dumptype global {
    comment "Global definitions"
    index yes

define dumptype always-full {
    comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
    program "GNUTAR"
    compress none
    priority high
    dumpcycle 0

Then in the disklist I have entries like:

chena /db/nt-backups/bering {
        exclude "Changer.cfg"

However, lately I keep seeing entries like this in the emails:

chena:/db/nt-backups/bering      1 [dumps way too big, must skip incremental 

Now, if I am requesting always full, I should never see an incremental. Right?  
Secondly what does the message mean?  The file sizes are no larger than 
usual.  The particuar one above is only about 5.3G.  Also, the amuont of data 
written to tape is consistent with the backup being done sucessfully.

I am using amanda version 2.4.3b2

Stephen Carville http://www.heronforge.net/~stephen/gnupgkey.txt
Right wing socialists hate privacy as much as left wing socialists hate guns.

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